If Kobe were to leave Los Angeles (which, classy as he is, he probably wouldn't), do you see the city of LA falling on its knees, begging Kobe to stay? Would its government officials serenade the star? Would its radio personalities try to woo him to stay? Certainly not! The sentiment would probably be more: "If you don't want to be here, be don't want you to be here either. But thanks for the many great years and titles."
Do you see Miami's men in sackcloths and ashes and their women wailing in the streets because Dwayne Wade could be leaving? Has the city crumbled at the thought of their superstar signing with another team? No. Because Miami isn't pathetic like that. They know that their city is great enough to create another superstar, that the franchise is strong enough to bounce back despite losing Dwayne Wade.
Not so with Cleveland. Cleveland knows that if Lebron leaves, they shrink back to obscurity. Their non-existent economy will become even more non-existent. Kids will stop going to school and crime will take over the city. Buildings will collapse, and the population will start to die off from tainted water. Government will officials have no choice but to cower in their homes, begging a new King to come and reign over the city. Even the baseball team will leave, leaving Cleveland only the perennial superpowers of the Browns and the Cavaliers. The city will be in ruins.
I truly believe that the entire city of Cleveland believes this. Why in the world would government officials sing in the song? It's one thing for radio personalities and fans to come out and publicly declare their love for Lebron, but it's another thing for the mayor and the government itself to come out as well. The city of Cleveland was, and will continue to be insignificant before and after Lebron James, and they know it! They are making a public statement that Lebron is what makes the city great, which frankly isn't very much. Cleveland itself has nothing to offer, so it is in fear that the one thing it does offer is now leaving. Cleveland sucks.
Pathetic. Just Pathetic.
In a more positive light, here's something much, much classier.
Thomas Jones, though far from a superstar, put up superstar numbers while he was on the New York Jets. He was released by the Jets (which was retarded, in my opinion), and signed by the Kansas City Chiefs. The Jets then paid for a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of the main section of the Kansas City Star (on page A11) to appreciate Thomas Jones:
I know that there are a lot of differences between this situation and Lebron's situation, but the Jets both maintained their integrity as a franchise and also appreciated a player who had given them so much.
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