Sunday, May 16, 2010

Being Home - Demons of the Past

Being home brings out a lot of the worst of you. When you're home, you become the person that you used to be at home, and a lot of the character changes that you've developed outside of home suddenly fly out the window. Home has this mysterious power of causing your personality to travel back through time to who you used to be.

Don't get me wrong - being home is awesome. The familiarity of home brings ease and comfort and the love of family brings warmth and memories. However, this familiarity is what brings back those nagging character flaws that you have been working on for years. The comfort of the environment of home causes you to let down your guard against your demons of the past and the familiarity of home triggers you to be a different person.

My mom first pointed out this phenomenon to me when we visited Taiwan a few years ago. My parents argue a lot more when they're in Taiwan living with family because suddenly all of the hard work they have put into their marriage disappears. All the things they have changed about themselves to accommodate the other are gone, making arguments inevitable. The good thing is that they've recognized the problem, allowing a joint attempt at preventing it as much as possible.

Here are some of the character flaws that are more pronounced at home:

Me: Laziness, Slothfulness, Meanness
Iris: Dependence, Irritability, Laziness
Dad: Messiness, Apathy
Mom: Pride, Loudness, Argumentativeness

What about you?

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