Monday, May 16, 2011

Nature Adventures at Taichung City Park

We left Taipei today for Taichung and one of the most fun days of our trip so far. We stopped at Taichung City Park, which is famous for being really, really old and having a giant pond that you can row boats on. What also makes the park cool is that there are a lot of turtles and fish in the water and ducks walking around and old people sitting around. I trust Iris will upload pictures sometime soon, so you can look at most of the pictures then.

For now, sit back, relax, and let Iris be your tour guide to take you on an exciting journey around the park:

Nature Adventures with Iris Episode 1 - Vegatation

[Iris didn't know I was zooming in for closer shots for the plants, and she kept on jumping in front of the camera...]

Nature Adventures with Iris Episode 2 - Wildlife

Bonus Videos:

Tai-Chi in the park

[My father has a very powerful kick.]

Iris' Taiwan Documentary - Chung-Hsing University

[This was the first video we did, it is a little bit more crude, as you can see.]