Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blown Away by a Wedding

Three weeks ago, I flew to NJ to attend a college friend's wedding, the first in an upcoming season of them. Everything about the wedding was awesome - witnessing the wedding, seeing old friends, and watching Michigan beat Syracuse in the Final Four. But more than anything, I was blown away by the love displayed at the wedding. Here's the journal entry that I wrote on my way back to Fort Wayne. Happy three week anniversary, Ann and Andrew!

"On the plane right now, on the ride back to AA. First time I'm going to be able to think and reflect on the wedding. My overall impression of it is how in the world can two people love each other that much? Their affection for one another was plain and evident, and I couldn't help but be down into the deep emotions of the wedding, tearing up as Ann cried while Andrew prayed over them. How deep a love and friendship that they have! It's a love and a relationship so deep that I'm certain I've never experienced it before, and I even have a hard time imagining feeling that way about someone else. They way Andrew looked at her, spoke to her, and even touched her reflected a love and care clearly deeper than one I have ever felt in my life. I must admit that for moments here and there, I was slightly jealous of Andrew, marrying a beautiful and God-loving girl. But more than anything, if I was jealous, I was jealous of Andrew's character, of seeing the man that he had become. His love and gentleness, dignity and integrity are traits that I only have shadows of. He is a man for me to imitate, though it may be painful for me to admit.

I particularly liked their vows, when they vowed to love each other "second only to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." And my oh my. If their love for one another is that deep, I can only imagine their love for Christ! Indeed, the wedding ceremony and reception were gloriously Christ-centered and slyly evangelistic, but I imagine and envy the reflected depth of a personal relationship with their Savior. Interestingly enough, their wedding revived my spirit, my desire to know my Creator, rather than a revival of a desire to know romance again, as one might expect. In fact, the seeming transcendence of their love for one another makes me wonder if I even have the capacity within to love as they do. And for this reason, I fully believe that marriage is truly a miracle, only achieved through the miraculous grace of God.

It certainly is no coincidence that I have been going through Ephesians 5 for my quiet times, as I am extremely encouraged that Christ is the groom of the Church. This imagery hasn't meant much to me in the past, but seeing Andrew has deepened, even if only slightly, my appreciation for this. For if Andrew, a mere human, loves his wife as much as he does, I can only imagine not imagine how much Christ loves the church. If the love shared between two humans can be so deep and profound, how much more does Christ love us! Indeed, the imagery of Christ as the groom and the church as His bride is appropriate and fitting, but I have never understood it much until now!

Going to Ann and Andrew's wedding was such a blessing, revealing a transcendent, amazing love that I have yet to experience pointing to an even greater, amazing, and incomprehensible love that is bestowed without obligation, given without request. And if I am to remain single, my love for my Savior must mimic - no - surpass the love displayed on Saturday afternoon."

1 comment:

  1. I can only picture you sitting in the pews staring with longing eyes at the ceremony haha :)

    Thank you for that encouragement. I am just jealous reading your post LOL
