Monday, June 7, 2010

An Automatic Car Cooling System

To the mechanical engineers of the world, here is my idea:

The Problem

In the summer, cars left out under the sun become like ovens, making it extremely uncomfortable when first getting into them. Getting into cars immediately cause sweat and discomfort, and it take a while before all the hot air is circulated out and the air conditioning kicks in. The current solutions to this problem are both inconvenient and ineffective, as they require screens of some sort to be put up by the windshield. While helpful, they often are just not worth the hassle of setting up.

My Proposed Solution

 My solution is to insert a solar panel on the car and to use solar energy to run small fans to continually circulate hot air out of the car and the cooler outside air into the car.

My key observations:

1) The car is hot when it is under the sun.
2) The main issue is the heat of the air, not the heat of the car itself (i.e. seats, steering wheel, etc).

Air circulation should effectively keep the air in the car relatively cool and not the heat sink that it is currently. In addition, it should keep the actual components of the car like the seats and steering wheel cool, as their heat will be transferred to the cooler air around it, which is continually being cycled. These fans should be able to run quietly for long periods of time without much energy consumption, which is something that air conditioning cannot accomplish. 

This is a relatively simple concept but the actually implementation might be difficult. Some things to consider are cost, correct placement of fans to create maximum air flow, and energy efficiency. I know that new Honda Civic Hybrids already have solar-powered air conditioning, so this add-on should be the natural next step.

In my opinion, this issue of hot cars in the summer is being overlooked by the automotive industries, as it doesn't really matter how much your car costs: if you leave it out in the sun, it's going to be nasty inside.

If any of you make any money off of this idea, I expect some sort of a reward...a new car would be nice.

Funny Picture:


  1. From my past reading, I believe they have already created this type of technology. They have created solar panels above the car that when the sun beams on the top of the car, the solar panels ultimately cool the car inside. I forget where I read this but you might be able to find it on google. However I know they have innovate ways of cooling with solar such as this one
