Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Great Injustice of Salvation

Romans 2: 14-15
(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
News Break: No one is righteous, not even one. No one can pass the "requirements of the law written on their hearts" test apart from Jesus Christ just because of how evil and depraved we are. No one is righteous, not even one. But this begs the question: Isn't it unfair that some never get to hear the Gospel? Isn't it unfair that some are effectually called and saved and others aren't?

Let's talk about God's justice. Is God just? Yes. Of course he is.

Why is it that God's actions doesn't always seem just? Where is the disconnect?

Scenario: Imagine a mass murderer: an evil dude that killed and murdered ruthlessly (unlike Boaz....LOL) for all his life, murdering over a dozen people in cold blood before finally getting caught and sent to jail for life (Yeap, we live in a country without capital punishment). In prison, he meets a minister, and God opens his heart to the Gospel. Is it just of God to save this mass murderer but not the people who the murderer killed? What if Hitler or Stalin were saved before they died? Where is God's justice there?

The truth is that each of us individually, in comparison with God and in God's eyes, are as evil and wretched as Hitler, Stalin, the 9/11 terrorists, Mao, child rapists, etc. John Piper describes our human nature as horrific, and until we realize this (as in Romans 1), we cannot learn to love the salvation of God.
We won't ever love the doctrine of the atonement until we feel rotten, filthy, ugly, bankrupt, rebellious, at enmity against God so that there's no hope for us whatsoever and we are deserving of the worst possible hackings to death.
So where is the injustice? The injustice is that God decided to save us! The injustice is our salvation!!! We all deserve death, but God decided to save us from the death. This is the injustice! Instead of asking, "Why does God leave some unsaved" the real question is "Why does God save at all?"

However, God is a just God, so his wrath was satisfied on Jesus, His only Son to justify the great injustice of salvation of the undeserving.

Until we realize how evil and deserving of death we are, we cannot grasp the gravity of salvation and truly the enormity of Jesus' sacrifice. Instead of shaking our fist at the sky, may we fall on our knees in humility and gratitude.

Father God,
You are holy and almighty. You are perfect and sovereign. Lord God, we are not worthy of you. We are evil and the state of our souls are horrific, dark and dead. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for saving us despite your just nature, that you released the worst of criminals and forgave the worst of sinners. Thank you for Jesus, for providing the sacrifice to be the subject of your wrath. God, I am not worthy of your salvation. I am not worthy of you. Thank you for saving me.

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